Answers for Chapter 5 Lesson 5

Question #3 In the chart below, write an opposite for each condition of blessedness that Jesus states in the Beatitudes. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you. 

Who Jesus says is blessed:                  Opposite:

The poor in spirit———————    Self-righteous; self-reliant; proud heart               

Those who mourn———————  are happy with a sinful heart; bask in sin

Those who are meek—————— easily provoked; wanting a high place in society; aggressive; proud;      

                                                            egotistical; pompous; haughty

Those who hunger and —————  no desire to be righteous or moral; “full”of sin

thirst for righteousness 

Those who are merciful————— treat people the way they deserve; none forgiving; no compassion

Those who are pure in heart———  mixed or polluted heart; ungodly heart, thoughts or desires

Those who are peacemakers——— They don’t repent; none reconcilable; likes conflict; destroys bridges; prideful; not harmonious; non listener.

Those who are persecuted ———- living a life free from rejection and conflict; having no resistance for    

                                                         the sake of righteousness. 

(For righteousness sake)

How does considering the opposite idea clarify your understanding of what Jesus is saying about true blessedness? It may not always feel like you’re blessed. Seldom is blessedness, the way Jesus speaks of it to His disciples, a tangible thing. Jesus’ meaning of blessedness  is not in line with our cultures desires and expectations. 

Question #7 What main point is Jesus communicating in these four verses? Summarize it in one sentence below. We are what this world is looking for and needs, and if we hide our witness, what good are we?

Question #7  Jesus uses the metaphors of salt and light to define the influence the citizens of His kingdom are to have on the world. Though in modern items we think of salt primarily  as a seasoning. In ancient times (before refrigeration was possible) it was valued primarily as a preservative. Also, Roman soldiers were paid in salt.Considering this, what do you think it means for Christians to be the salt of the earth? What does the Christian community preserve? We as born again Christ followers are valuable and necessary. We also preserve righteousness in this world. 

Question #8 In the natural world, light reveals what is hidden in darkness. It also causes things to grow. How should the citizens of Jesus’ kingdom have a similar effect on the world around them?Our God-centered lives will naturally condemn the world around us by the life we live and the choices we make. Our life will unintentionally bring conviction. For those in the kingdom, our life should be a strength and encouragement to others. 

Question #11 Jesus offers six illustrations of the greater righteousness He describes in verse 20. Fill in the chart below to summarize the point Jesus is making. Then write what inner virtue each of His teachings indicates. 

What they had been taught.                      That Jesus teaches.                               Inner

5:21 Not to murder.                                5:22-26 Anger is worthy of hell.            Love in your heart

5:27 Don’t commit adultery.                  5:28-30 if you lust you’ve committed    Pure heart

                                                               it in your heart / take eyes out

5:31 Don’t divorce w/out a                 5:32 don’t divorce except for adultery     Loving heart/understanding


5:33 Not to lie/make an oath             5:34-37do what you say your’re                Honest-forthright 

Falsely                                                Going to do. 

5:38 an eye for an eye and tooth          5:39-42 don’t pay back                           Humility,modest, meek

For a tooth                                             Nor resist                                                Resignation 

5:43 love your neighbor and.              5:44-47 love both & pray for enemies.        Love, compassion 

Hate your enemy


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