The Bleeding Woman
Miracle on Main Street
Mark 5:25-34 also Matt. 9:18-26 also Like 8:40-56
What Lessons Can We Learn from the Bleeding Woman?
Many of us fear we’d lose hope if an illness dragged on for years as hers did. Clearly she was a woman who allowed her suffering to refine her character into sterling silver. All around us that same miracle is taking place among women battling cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other life-threatening illnesses. As we support and encourage them, so shall they teach us a new meaning of the word hope.
Someone read: Romans 5:3-5
Jesus is well-acquainted with bleeding.
Consider this: The Lord stopped her flow of blood even as He prepared to shed His own blood that the whole world might live. As women who understand only too well what it means to bleed, we are grateful that her endless flow ceased. But we’re exceedingly more grateful that the blood of Jesus has not stopped flowing for two thousand years. It is in His blood that we find our freedom!
Someone read: Ephesians 1:7
Know your source of power.
Women love to talk of empowerment. We’ve been encouraged to take charge of our lives and to stop letting our present circumstances--or the people around us--- determine our future. This woman did everything she could to make her life better, yet it was only when she put her faith in Jesus that she found the life-changing power she’d been looking for. True empowerment comes in realizing that our own power is limited---make that laughable---and God’s power is limitless. Let go of your do-it-yourself battery pack, and plug into the real power generator. Talk about a HOT FLASH!
Someone read: 2 Peter 1:3
Thoughts Worth Considering
1. Jesus wanted everyone to hear the woman’s testimony. Can you think of some reasons why He might have done that? How did it benefit her? Him? The community? The disciples? Jairus?
2. This story is one of many in the Gospels that describe the miracles Christ performed during his short earthly ministry. Do you see such miracles happening around you today? If so, share some.
3. What’s the most important lesson you learned from the miraculous story of the bleeding woman?
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