Hearing God's Voice Part 4: "God's Voice Surprises"

God’s Voice Surprises 
Part 4

   Have you ever felt as though you’re not a first-round draft selection when it comes to being used by God? Have you ever felt that there are other choices that just make more sense? People who are smarter, better looking, or more gifted?
   If so, you are not alone! At times, we all feel hints of insecurity and self-doubt. But when God looks at us, He doesn't focus on what we can’t do; He sees what He can do through us. In fact, sometimes the individual whom God chooses can be surprising--not only to us but also to the one chosen. 
   Consider Moses. He had a profound encounter with God in Exodus 3 in which God chose him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into freedom God had for them. Moses argued. What did he say? “I’m not a confident leader, I can’t speak.” But God chose Moses and no one was probably more surprised than Moses himself.
   Another example is Jeremiah. When God came to Jeremiah and spoke to him, appointing him as a prophet to the nations, Jeremiah was surprised. His immediate concern was that he didn’t know how to speak, and he was so young that no one would listen to him. But the Lord reminded Jeremiah not to allow his youth or insecurities to get the best of him. Instead, Jeremiah was to obey God with courage. 
    God has an amazing way of surprising us with what He’s asking us to do. Throughout the Bible we read of men and women who saved nations, led thousands to freedom, preformed miracles, and followed Jesus to their own deaths. All were surprised by what God had called them to, but they still chose to answer the call. Though you may not feel as if you’re the obvious choice for honoring God with your life, no one qualifies according to their own merit. God uses a responsive and willing heart to do amazing things. 

  1. Why it is so easy to see the positives gifts in others, than in ourselves?

  1. Write down one positive attribute that you have._____________________
  2. Write down one negative attribute that you feel you have.______________
4. Go around the room say one positive attribute you see in the person sitting next to you. Do they match what you wrote in #1?


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