God’s Voice Exposes
Part 3
My family made a trip to San Francisco a few years back. My son wanted to visit the famous spy shop there. Daniel thought how great it would be if he could get a recorder and listen in on peoples' private conversations. Like a phone tap. When he asked the clerk, the young man explained that it is against the law to do that.

Read Matthew 10:26-31 aloud
Just as a sparrow doesn't to fall from the sky without God noticing, He sees us. He sees our motives and our innermost thoughts and desires. When God speaks, His Word exposes. They reveal things about ourselves that we could not know on our own. He knows more than any spy ever could.
Read Genesis 4:6-7
- What did the Lord say to Cain?
- How did the Lord’s words reveal what was going on in Cain’s heart and how he should respond? __________________________________________________
3.What did Cain choses to do? (v. 8)____________________________________
The words God speaks often expose our own hearts. While most of us have never heard the audible voice of God, we have had a sense in our hearts when something isn’t quite right, a gnawing impression that we’ve done something or someone wrong. That quiet nudging is God’s voice. Sometimes that sense of conviction that something isn’t right challenges us to go back and apologize to someone, to be fully honest, or to acknowledge our own mistakes. It exposes something in us. The wondrous part of this experience is that when God’s voice exposes something in our hearts, it is to bring us to wholeness in our relationship with Him and others---if we will listen to Him.
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