LBS Hearing God's Voice Part 2: God's Voice Invites

God’s Voice Invites
Part 2  

    The stars filled the sky like glitter spread across a black canvas. The three men sat in awe as they rode their horses through the Colorado night. As they followed the rugged trail along the base of the mountain, a voice in the distance commanded them to stop and dismount. Startled by the mysterious command, they obeyed without hesitation. 
   “Walk to the riverbed and pick up some pebbles,” the voice instructed. “Place them in your backpacks, but do not look at them until morning.”

    The men struggled to stand on the slippery rocks that lined the raging river. Finding foothold among the crevices, they each reached down, scooping up a handful of small stones. Looking around, they saw no one. They heard no one. They returned to their horses. The voice returned, “This will be both the happiest and saddest day of your lives.” The men looked at one another in the faint moonlight. What could this mean?

    At the first shadows of sunrise, the men reached for their saddlebags. To their delight, the pebbles they had gathered the night before turned to gold. They laughed with joy. They all began to wonder what the voice meant would be the saddest day of their lives. “Is something bad going to happen?” one of them asked. “It already has,” another explained. “Yes, we have gold, but think how rich we would be if only we had picked up more.”

This story illustrates that sometimes we can go through life, circumstances, and specific events and not recognize the incredible opportunity we’ve been given. We may pass by or not lay hold of the fullest of the amazing possibilities that are before us. 

The Creator of the universe, the One who fashioned the world, desires a personal  relationship with each of us. He doesn’t just want to be part of our lives; He wants to be the center of our lives. God’s voice invites us into an adventure that’s wilder than we could have imagined and in the process He gives us more than we could ever ask for or expect. 

  1. Matthew 7:7-11  (Someone read these verses aloud) 
Why do you think Jesus invited us to pray? What promises did Jesus give to us if we pray? What does this passage reveal about the nature of God?

2.Genesis 18:23-26   What is being asked for in the prayer? Read these together.
   Genesis 32:24-26
   Daniel 9:4-6
   Matthew 6:11
   Ephesians 3:14-19
Which of these passages encourages you the most in your prayer life?


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