The Way God Speaks Part 1: "God's Word as Foundation & Filiter

The Way God Speaks
Part 1
God’s Word as Foundation and Filter

    Knowing the Bible is crucial to understanding and discerning God’s voice in our lives. The pages of Scripture are chock-full of God’s wonderful voice. In order to fully recognize and respond to God, we must take advantage  of the God -breathed words He left for us: the Bible. Then we are able to use God’s Word as a foundation and filter for all that we think we’re hearing from God.

(Complete the quiz handout)
Regardless of your score on the quiz, God’s Word is meant to be treasured in our hearts. The people in the pages of Scripture were all created and known by God. He encountered them and spoke to them in various ways. As we study the Bible, the stories and passages expand the spiritual library that the Holy Ghost can use to speak to us and draw our hearts back to God’s own. 

  1. On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy reading and studying Scripture?

  Scripture is God’s love letter to us. As we study and get  to know His Word, we are better able to discern His voice from the other voices in our lives. Jesus experienced this truth first hand in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus stood firmly against temptation by quoting God’s Word.

2. Read Matthew 4:1-11. What did the tempter first tell Jesus to do (v. 3)? What was Jesus’ response (v. 4)?

 3. Have you ever had a time in your life when God’s Word helped you avoid sinning or hurting yourself or someone else. Or was there a time when Scripture came to your rescue?

  1. Look up the following verses, and describe what they reveal about God’s Word.  
       Verse                                  What is Revealed?
  Psalm 119: 89        ___________________________________

  Isaiah 40:8             ___________________________________

  Matthew 5:18         ___________________________________

  Psalm 119:11         ___________________________________


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