The Way God Speaks Part 2: "God's Colorful Expressions"

The Way God Speaks
Part 2
God’s Colorful Expressions

     You simply can’t put God in a box. God has a way of expressing Himself in surprising ways throughout Scripture. From the very beginning in Genesis, God communicated with Adam and Eve. But even after a willful act of disobedience that forced Adam and Eve to leave the garden, God continued to speak to His people. God warned Cain not to allow his anger to get the best of him. God instructed Noah to build a big boat because a rainstorm was on its way, and God promised Abraham that he would have many children even though his wife was infertile. God used colorful ways to communicate to His people throughout the Bible. 

     One unusual way that God speaks to His people in the Bible is through visions. Some of God’s people actually saw images that were from God. Both Ezekiel and Daniel. So did Paul and John in the New Testament. God also speaks  through miracles. When the Israelites found themselves pinned up against the Red Sea, God opened up the water as a display of His power and love. God often used angels throughout the Bible to communicate His heart to His people. In Luke, an angel delivered the incredible news of the birth of Jesus. 

     Indeed, God speaks through His Word (2 Tim. 3:16) and through the inner, still, small voice of the Holy Ghost ( Acts 11:12;13:2). God uses colorful and unexpected ways to speak into our lives. Though we may be tempted to try to put God and His voice in a box, Scripture reminds us that God will go to great and amazing lengths to communicate with each of us. 

  1. Has God ever surprised you by communicating to you in an unusual way?

  1. On the list below, place a check mark by any of the ways you feel God has communicated with you.

__Scripture      ___Wise counsel     ___Peace     ___Dreams    ___Visions

__Provision     ___Journaling          ___Circumstance                ___Conviction

__Nature        ___Miracles/overcoming the impossible              ___Books/music


  1. Reflecting on the list above, are there any ways in which God has not spoken to you that you wish He would? 

  1. On of the reasons God communicates to us in such colorful ways is that His ways are different fro our own. Because He is all-knowing and all-powerful, God has a different perspective. 

     Read Isaiah 55:8-9


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