The Way God Speaks Part 3: "God's Personal Touch"

The Way God Speaks
Part 3
God’s Personal Touch

          No matter what situation we find ourselves in, God has a way of meeting us there. He may use songs, prayers, a sermon, an encouraging word from a friend, or something even more surprising to speak right into our situation at the place of our greatest need. When it comes to caring for you, God makes it personal. 

  1. Have you ever had God meet you at a critical time in a personal way? Describe the event.

  1. Has God ever used a song, someone’s personal testimony to encourage you? 

3. Acts 8:1 (Read this verse aloud)is a small but profound verse. According to this passage, who was watching Stephen’s stoning? What was this person’s response?


We find out why Acts 8:1 is important to Acts 9. The man who watched Stephen's death was about to have a profound and personal encounter with God. 

  1. Read Acts 9:1-9. Why do you think that of all the ways that God could have encountered Saul, He did it in this way?


5.After Saul’s miraculous blinding experience, God could have miraculously healed him on His own, but God chose to use Ananias. Read Acts 9:10-19. Why do you think Ananias was used to heal Saul? What effect do you think this had on Saul’s spiritual outlook and life?



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