The Wonder of God's Voice Part 1: "God Calls Us to Know and Love Him"

The Wonder of God’s Voice
Part 1

God Calls Us to Know and Love Him

   A pastor observes that while religion is focused on doing things for God, Christianity is all about receiving what Christ has done for us on the cross. Our response to God is merely a revelation of what God has already done for us. He describes how a few years ago he struggled with a tough season of discouragement. To get out of his spiritual slump, he decided to follow the advice of Revelation 2:5 and do the things he did in the beginning of his faith journey--he decided to take forty days to focus on God. During those five and-a-half weeks, he spent extra time in prayer. He purchased a new Bible, and he read it cover to cover. In the process, he found himself leaving a season of life where God seemed distant and silent, entering one where God spoke to him through Scripture and everyday life.

   One of the treasures of his season of pursuing God is something the Lord spoke to him during that time: It’s not about what you can do for God; it’s about what God has already done for you. That truth changed his life and has become a personal mantra for him. He recognizes that truly loving God is not about doing things for God, but receiving with thankfulness the things God has already done for us. At that point, we can reflect that love to others in our lives. 

God calls us to know Him and love Him. As we discover who God is, with all His wondrous attributes and characteristics, we can’t help falling in love with Him and sharing that love with others we come in contact with. 

1. Name some ways you can come to know God better.

  1. Have you ever set a specific time to focus on you relationship with God. A day, week, or longer? Explain_____________________________________________________

3.In the book of Revelation, an angel is described as writing seven different letters to the church. In the letter to the church of Ephesus, the angel commends this church for much of what they’ve done, but they are reminded of one thing they have forgotten. 

    Read Rev 2:1-7. Have  someone read these verses. What was the church of   
    Ephesus commended for? What was the angel’s concern for the church of Ephesus?


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