Four Things You Need to Know About Anger Part 4


Four Things You Need to Know About Anger

Part 4


Prov. 24:28 “Don’t testify against your neighbor without cause or use your lips to deceive. Do not say, I will do unto him as he has done to me.” 

1.It’s distorted in its_____________.
2.It’s distorted in terms of ____________________________.
3.It’s distorted in regards to its _____________.


a. _______________.

  Anger denied is ? ___________________ 

b. All of the Proverbs say, not no anger or blow anger but slow anger. 

c. It’s crucial to stop and realize just how angry you are. How angry am I ?

  1. Even if you have been done wrong, or been the victim, to even admit you’re angry is 
    an act of vulnerability. 

  1. ______________ .

C. Check Your Stress Level

    Isn’t it true that when we haven’t had enough sleep or we’re under a lot of stress that we have a tendency to say things we don’t mean and speak in a tone of voice we wouldn’t normally use. When you find yourself getting angry, check your stress level to see if you aren’t tired, impatient, and oversensitive. 

What times during your day are you most stressed?____________________________
Why do you think that is?_________________________________________________

Discuss some ways that you can minimize the stress level during those times.



D. Danger in the Hormone Zone

    Normal hormonal changes can also play a part in our tolerance level. When in the midst of menopause, usually we have teens that are in the midst of entering puberty. We need to realize that we can be irritable and often unreasonable in our dealings with them during a time when they, too, are experiencing unfamiliar feelings and fears. At times we can seem like hostile strangers rather than loving mother and child. 

Do you find that you are more angry or annoyed during certain times?

Share an experience with the group._________________________________________


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