LBS What Keeps us from fruitfulness? "The Nature of the Fruit part 2
The Nature of the Fruit
Part 2
Last week in part 1, we saw that God’s purpose for us is__________________. And we saw that our _____________, or sinful nature, can keep us from a life of fruitfulness.
Now we will explore the nature of the Spirit’s fruit that God produced in us to be lived out in our relationships with God and each other. Hold on to your fruit cake ladies!!!
The Spirits Fruit is produced by _____
The fruit of the Spirit is not produced by us, but by God. It’s the fruit of the Spirit, after all. We don’t manufacture or produce our own fruit. God does.
- What do you think is the Christian’s role in the production of the fruit in our live?
The Spirit’s fruit is produced in Us
Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
- How do you think that these “fruit” can be measured by our actions?
Read John 15:5-8 aloud together
3. Jesus is the vine. What do you think it means to not be fruit-bearing?
- What happens to fruit when it is removed from its plant?
- The ida of remaining in Christ is reiterated three times in this short passage. What is the implication of this?__________________________________________________
The purpose of the Spirit’s fruit
* The fruit of the Spirit gives His children the power to fulfill their destiny in Christ.
* The fruit of the Spirit are also used by God to draw people to himself through us.
- What does 1 Peter 3:13-17 say about how this might be carried out?
As we seek to understand the fruit of the Spirit, three vital insights and important reminders for us are:
- The Spirit’s fruit is produced by ________.
- The Spirit’s fruit, its character, is produced in _______.
- The Spirit’s fruit, its relationship principles, are used by ________.
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