The Most Excellent Way.... Love part 3 of The Nature of the Fruit

The Nature of the Fruit
The Most Excellent Way
 Part 3

1 Cor. 12:31

Stop and think about the people who have made the deepest impressions on you. They may be positive impressions like honesty and courage or negative impressions like irresponsibility, and self-centeredness. 

There is one character trait, however, that we all crave to find in others. It is a trait some people possess that inspires us to trust them, depend on them, run to them when we are wounded, and think about them when we’re alone. 

That trait is ___________

John 15:13 For whom are you willing to lay down your life?


1 Corinthians 13
 Read aloud may want to take turns

 It is much harder for some people who haven’t been shown love to understand what God’s love is or to show love to others. 

These are the hardest people to show love to. We need to love them simply because God loves them. Love is a mission God has given me. 

1. When is it most hard to love someone?_________________________________


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