Goodness...The Nature of the Fruit part 9

The Nature of the Fruit
Part 9
The Good Life - Goodness

    When the Bible talks about the good, it means what is right, what is attractive, and what is morally excellent. Goodness, in other words, is more than being bad. 

Goodness is rightness, in the sense that the moving parts of a person’s life are trued up. Things are made right between the person and God because God’s forgiveness has begun to straighten out the crookedness. 

Read Psalm 34:8 

Because God is good, he is a refuge for those who seek him. 

  1. What do you think one can do to discover the goodness of the Lord?___________


Read Psalm 100

  1. What does Psalms 100 tell us about the goodness of God?____________________


Read Galatians 6: 8-10. 

  1. This verse encourages us to do good. Why is Paul encouraging us toward good actions in this verse (v. 9)?



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