The Nature of the Fruit
Part 7
Willing to Wait - Patience
I don’t like hearing that I need to be patient. And I know why: because I don’t like to be patient. Yet I know I must try to be patient because I’m counting on everybody else in my life to be patient with me.
Read 2 Peter 3:9
God is patient in dipping his promises to us.
- What is the purpose of His patience?______________________________________
Patience is Faith Hope and Love in Action!!
The Bible says that these are the realties that remain when everything else passes away. (1 Cor. 13:13)
*Fill in the blank with each of these words.
Patience is _______ in action because it says:
- I believe God is in control of life.
- I believe God has given me/them great potential.
- I believe trust is basic to life.
Patience is __________ in action because it says:
- I expect that God has great things in mind for the future.
- Today’s hurt will not remain forever.
- I know that right will prevail over wrong.
Patience is_________ in action because it says:
- You are worth waiting for.
- Thanks for putting up with my faults.
- I’ll get over being disappointed.
- I know you don’t always mean what you say.
- In what kinds of straitens do you find it hardest to be patient? (For example, parenting, marriage, work, friendships etc..)
- Describe someone who has blessed you by being patient with you.______________________________________________________________
When we don’t feel like being patient, one of the best things we can do is to consider the great patience of God.
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