LBS "Scruples" What have you done with your scruples?
Have you ever played the game, Scruples? Scruples, the word, is defined as an uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action. In the game, Scruples, players predict how each other will answer various questions, each posing a serious moral diemma. It evaluates a person's integrity. Now more than ever, moral dilemmas and questions of integrity are in the headlines and in our daily lives. Integrity is something we should understand and apply to our lives for several reasons.
#1. Integrity profits your_______________ Prov. 20:7
#2. Integrity provides __________________ for you ________________ Prov.11:3
#3. Integrity protects you from_______________________ Psalm 25:21
#4. Integrity promotes ___________________ Stability. James 1:8
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