LBS: "The Green-Eyed Monster" Jealousy

 The Green-Eyed Monster

Do You Have Saul Syndrome ? 

You can listen to the news at almost anytime and hear stories of seemingly senseless violence, a disgruntled employee enters his business and shoots his coworkers, a jilted boyfriend attacks his former love, a snubbed wife plots against her ex-husbands new bride. Jealousy has nothing to do with age or environment, it has to do with a person’s heart. It begins with dissatisfaction of your own circumstances and projects itself onto others. Jealousy is the emotion of displeasure at seeing someone else’s good fortune. It is a desire for someone else’s possessions, privileges, or possessions. Jealousy has to be dealt with immediately. If it is allowed to fester, grow and reign free in a person's life, there is no telling what they will do. 

A good example of what jealousy can do is seen in the relationship between Saul and David. (1 Sam 18:5-8).  One of the causes of jealousy is insecurity. Notice that David did nothing against Saul. Saul was not willing to risk his life in fighting against Goliath, but David risked his life for Saul. This made Saul feel insecure because he felt his position as king was threatened. When a person is too fearful or lazy to get ahead through nurturing a talent, acquiring the right skills, or simply through grit and determination they often become jealous of the person who has paid the price to accomplish or achieve greater things in life. 

Other causes of jealousy are selfishness and pride. When a person senses they lack having things, lack accomplishment, lack achievement, or they feel they need to keep up with those around them, their self-centeredness causes them to become critical of others. In criticizing they feel they justify their sense of failure. They are always unhappy, discontent and feeling that somebody did them wrong. Saul did not kill Goliath, David did. Yet Saul's feeling of failure led him to be jealous of the praise David received. He didn't want to share the praise. 

The worst thing about jealousy is having to deal with the consequences. You will always know when a person is jealous because it will come out in their conversation, their behavior and in their attitude. (1 Sam 18:9) Saul began by being suspicious of David. Suspicion is the first wrong attitude which stems from insecurity. A jealous spouse is always suspicious of their companion because they are insecure in their relationship. And that is usually true in other relationships such as friends, relatives, siblings, and coworkers.

( 1Sam 18:10) The second consequence of jealousy is confusion. Saul became confused about David's motives, lost his relationship with God, and spoke like a man in a frenzy. (Prv 6:34) A jealous person will become confused in their attitude toward the other person, their relationship with God and their thoughts about themselves.

1(1 Sam 18:11) The Third consequence of jealousy is bitterness, Saul had turned so bitter toward David that he attempted to kill him. Not all jealousy will result in someone else's death, but it can cause a broken rwlationship. Saul not only hindered his relationship with Dvid, but also mired his relationship with his son. He tried killing jonathan for being best friends with David. We can ill relationships by saying hurtful things or being critical. Spouses, siblings, coworkers. friends; all these relationships can be broken because of jealousy.

(1Sam 18:12,15) Another consequence of jealousy is fear. Saul feared David because he knew god was blessing David and Saul would not be able to achieve or get back what he had lost in disobeying god. A jealous person fears he will not be able to get, be or have what the other person has. A jealous person fears he will be discovered.

You cant' be right with God and be jealous of another person. If someone else's possessions, position, or privileges cause you discomfort, it is a goos sign that you are jealous. When you are jealous of another person, you are essentially objecting to God's decision to bless that person and disagree with  the work that God is doing in that person's life.

2 Cor 11:2
None of us like to think of ourselves as jealous, but would rather justify our feelings. So, how can we deal with jealousy? First we must confess to God that we are jealous and name the person to thing that we are jealous about. Pray that god blesses that person and place a love in you for that person. you are asking for God to remove the spirit of jealousy and replace it with love. It will refocus your attention to what jGod is doing in your life. Ask god to show you what is in your heart that is blocking His blessings on you life (Ps 37:4)

  David knew the key to avoiding the Saul Syndrome. He proclaimed "Lord you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine." Ps 16:5 
I have come to understand that when God has determined that something is mine, I have no need to guard it in the sense of watching over it for fear it will escape. That's God's job not mine. My responsibility is to nurture and enjoy the blessings on a daily basis, rather then obsessing over whether it will still be mine tomorrow. 

1.Name specific things people can be jealous of?  (Anther's good marriage, health, looks, well behaved children, achieving and attaining goals at a younger age)

2. What can you do if someone is jealous of you? Don't ignore them, identify the source of their jealousy, show them kindness, pray for them to focus on God, keep your focus on God)
3. In what ways is jealousy dangerous and destructive?

4. Is there a person in you life who makes you uncomfortable or upset because they have more, have a better position in life, or are prospering in an area you can't seem to succeed in?


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