Backbone , Do you have one? Part 1: Daniel and Friends Obey God
Daniel & Friends Obey God
Thanks for joining us on our adventure through God's Word. In this exciting new series, we will explore the story of Daniel to gain inspiration from the "backbone" he demonstrated. Yes, we all need strong backbones! Sad to say, but it seems that too often many Christians are afraid to stand for what they believe in.
It's a challenge to stay firm in your faith when society around you blurs the lines. Too many spend hours of valuable time in front of the TV or computer, while their children are learning what it means to be a man/women from people like Ray Rice and Helen Degenerate. Confused? Me too!! This series, we explore the story of Daniel and how we too can have a strong backbone to do what is right and to change our world.
What is the longest you have gone without eating meat?
Who do you know that is a vegetarian?
What are some reasons people decide to be vegetarian?
Read Daniel 1: 3-4, Matthew 7:21-27
- Daniel and his companions were part of the faithful remnant. Not everyone who professes faith in Christ is truly a child of God. What does it mean to truly be a child of God.
- Here is what one educator thinks about the Bible. "The Bible is not merely another book, an outmoded and archaic book...It has been and remains an incredibly dangerous book."
- Educator John Dunphy
- God expects us to do what is right according to His Word (Acts 4:18-20). From that observation, how important do you think it is for us to read the Bible regularly? If we don't read the Bible regularly, where do we get guidance on what is right?
- Obeying God rather than men doesn't mean you have to be aggressive and disagreeable. What approach did Daniel use when the overseer wanted them to eat from the King's table (Dan 1:8-16, Col 4:5-6)? Discuss how living a simple life with the Lord is healthier than feasting on the delicacies of the world.
Are you a Conformer or Transformer?
We either let the world squeeze us into its mold or we transform things in the world where God has placed us.
- How did this principle play out in the lives of Daniel and his friends in Daniel 1?
- How does this principle apply in your life (Rom 12:1-2)?
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