LBS: Backbone Part 2 "Nebuchadnezzar's Dream"

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Scripture: Daniel 2

You've heard the expression, "It's great to be king." Is that really true? Consider this quote from Shakespeare (Henry iv). "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a person of great political power. 

Discussion Questions

  •  We are often fascinated with people's ability to "tell the future." Sometimes they do seem to be 
   correct, though even a broken clock is correct twice a day. 

        > When the King threatened to kill all the wise men, including Daniel and his friends, how did 
            Daniel react (Dan 2:16-18, Jas 5:16)? How does this apply to our lives today?
       > When God gave Daniel the interpretation of the dream, what did Daniel do (Dan 2:19-23)? How 
           is Daniel's reaction an example of how we should react when God answers our prayers?

      > Who is in charge of all nations(Dan 2:21)? If God is in charge of all nations, as Christians, what is 
         our responsibility to national leaders?

     > Who alone can predict the future (Dan 2:22, Isa 41:20-24)?

  • The expression "without hands" (Dan 2:34) means without human power, something only God can do. What are some things only God can do (Col 2:11-12, Heb 9:11-12, Heb 9:24-26)?

  • What is the only kingdom that will stand forever (Dan 2:44)? Who are the only citizens of that eternal kingdom (John 3:1-18)?

Dig a Little Deeper

Study these verses about Christ returning to establish His Kingdom.

  •  Psalms 118:22-23
  •  Isa 8:13-14
  •  Isa 28:16
  •  Mat 21:42-44
  •  Acts 4:10-12
  •  1Cor 10:4
  •  1 Peter 2:4-8


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