LBS: Backbone Part 4 "Dream and Humbling"

Dream and Humbling

Scripture: Daniel 4

Can You hear Me Now?

* When people aren't listening to you, what do you do to get their attention?

* When you aren't listening to God, what does He do to get your attention? Discuss how His methods vary with different people and at different times with the same people. 

Discussion questions: 

* One of the times that god does things to get our attention is when we begin to take credit for things that we shouldn't (Dan 4:30). What things did Bebuchadnezzar credit to himself? What things do we credit to ourselves? What things are going well and we hear ourselves begin to take credit, what should we do (Psalm 105:1-3)?

* There's an expression, "Your strength is your weakness," One reason for this is that we sometimes overdo our strengths. Another reason is that we come to rely on our strengths and forget the source of our strengths. Things may go well for a time. God waited for Nebuchadnezzar to repent for a whole year, then BAM! He got his attention (DAn 4:1-33, Ecc 8:11). Discuss what we can do to avoid the BAM.

* God wants us to know that He is God (DAn 4:34-37). Depending on how well we listen to Him, He may go to extreme measures to get our attention (Prov 16:18)> Discuss what we can do to hear Him sooner rather than later (1 Peter 5:5-7). 

Dig a Little Deeper
Ponder these thoughts and Scripture passages: 

* Our choice is either to acknowledge God's sovereignty or eat grass (Dan 4:32-33, Pprov 3:6-7).

* God's promises may seem slow at times, but they are sure (2 Peter 3:9).

* Deep looking up to God Most High, (Rom 11:33-36, Dan 4:2, Gen 14;19-20, Psalm 9:2, Psalm 57:2). 

Application Exercise

* Read Daniel 4 . Write each passage that shows our God is god Most High.

* Thank Him for His mercy with all people and with you in particular.

* Renew your commitment to listen to God. If you've wandered from your daily Bible reading, get back on track. There are lots of Bible reading plans available.


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