LBS: Backbone Part 5 "Writing on the Wall"

Writing on the Wall

If you could give a warning to yourself by writing something on the wall. what would it be? 

Discussion Questions

* Belshazzar was indulgent, indifferent, and irreverent (Dan 5:1-4). While his city was under attack, he had a lavish party, ignored the danger, and was disrespectful of God. Luke 13:3 tells us that unless we repent, we will perish. Repentance is turing away from idols and to God(1 Thes 1:9). What are common idols in our culture? Discuss examples of indulgence, indifference, and irreverence.

* The writing on the wall terrified Bleshazzar (Dan 5:5-12). It was public and decisive (Luke 13:1-3, 1Cor 4:4-5). We all face judgment. it will either come as condemnation (for those outside God's family) or as correction (for those inside God's family). 
     * What is the purpose of God's correction (Heb 12:5-11)?

     * What should our attitude be in times of correction(1 Peter4:19)?


* When Daniel spoke to the king, he was respectful, but not afraid to tell the truth (DAn 5;13-29, Titus 2:8), God wants us to speak the truth. In what circumstances is it difficult for you to maintain a respectful manner? In what circumstances is it difficult for you to speak  truth? Discuss tips for respectfully speaking  truth. 

Dig a Little Deeper

Meditate on the meaning of the writing on the wall Daniel 5:25-28

Mene        Numbered and numbered again      Psalm 90:12,Eph 5:16-17,John 9:4, Rom 13:11-14

Tekel    weighed in the balance and found deficient    Matt 25:28-29,Heb 9:27, 2Cor 5:10

Upharsin   divide and given to the Medes and Persians     Rom 6:23. Jas 1:14;15


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