LBS: Backbone Part 8 "Seventy Week Prophecy"

Seventy Week Prophecy

Scripture: Daniel 9

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

If God agreed to answer just one question for you, what question would you ask Him and why?

Discussion Questions

  • Daniel knew that Babylon would fall to the Persians, because he had read what God told Jeremiah to write (Jer 25:11-13). This was in spite of King Jehoiakim trying to destroy what God said (Jer 36:27-32). god will not permit destruction of His Word, because it tells His Story (Matt 24:35, Isa 40:8). Discuss how knowing this helps us appreciate God's Word.

  • Daniel is an example of a "worshipping Intercessor" (Dan 9:13-19, Jas 5:16). When Daniel prayed he began by worshipping God, then he asked for mercy for himself and others.  

  • Gabriel didn't tell Daniel about the gap between the 69th and 70th weeks (Dan 9:24-27).
             > Read Ephesians 3:1-13. Discuss why god did not have Gabriel tell Daniel about the gap.
             > Even though the gap now makes sense to us, we still don't know the exact day Chris will 
                return. Discuss why we don't know (Acts 1:7-8). 

Dig a Little Deeper

Compare how Antichrist contrasts Christ.

Christ                                                                           Antichrist

Came in God's name (John 5:43)                                Comes in his own name (John 5:43)
Humbled Himself Php 2: 5-8                                      Will exalt himself above God 2 Thes 2:4
Came to save Luke 19:10                                            Will destroy Daniel 8:24
The truth John 8:32                                                     A Liar 2 Thes 2:11
The holy One of God Mark 1:24                                The lawless one 1 Thes 2:8
The sinless One  Heb 4;15                                          The man of sin  1 Thes 2:3


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