LBS: The Insecurity Blanket

Do you have the Saul Syndrome? You know,  always looking at other's strengths and wishing you have their talents or abilities?

Perhaps you know someone who reacts severely -almost to the point of seeming irrational  in the face of loss or rejection. Maybe you know a person who gets deeply depressed or feels unnecessarily betrayed in response to the slightest criticism. Possibly you, yourself, are one whose heart gets broken more often than seems air, or are constantly drawn to the type of person who will inevitably hurt you. These intense reactions to loss, rejection or criticism are the result of insecurity.

Now let me just say that insecurity is in us all, or should I say it resides in a part of us. It's like a slice of an pie, we all have a piece of us that is insecure. A lot of times we may have feelings of insecurity because we're not rooted in knowledge. I heard that knowledge is power. Some people put their confidence or security in others, while other's security rests in themselves alone.

I used to be an advocate for self-confidence. Motivational speakers have said that you can do anything if you just believe in yourself.  But I have found out that some situations I have found my self in, needed more skills, knowledge or mental fortitude than I possessed. My own ability can only get me so far. I needed to rely on something or someone bigger and better equipped. But have you ever looked at the word "Self" confidence?

Find out more at our next LBS.


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