LBS: Only the Lonely

 The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. ( Eccl 4:9-12)
Of all the human suffering in the world, loneliness is the most universal. The issue is not so much whether we will become loney. The real question is what we do when we are lonely. How do we avoid allowing loneliness to become a breeding ground for sadness, depression, anxiety, restlessness, self-pity and the deterioration of our sense of self worth?

Loneliness is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the quality or quantity of a relationship with others. It is also a feeling of isolation and emptiness when faced with a task or certain situation. Loneliness occurs when a relationship is broken either through our own personal failure, physical separation (as in a move) or death. The worst case occurs when  a person lives life separate and isolated from God. The brokenness we  experience in loneliness is an invitation from God for the restoration of relationships.

Here are some suggestions from the Word of God......., see you all at LBS to learn more.


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