LBS: "Becoming an Effective Christian" Part 2 Habit #1 Proactive

Becoming an Effective Christian
Habit #1 - Proactive

There is a popular prayer that many of us may recognize. it is known as the Serenity prayer and it reads as follows: "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." This is really the heart of the first step to becoming an effective Christian. (Is 26:3)

Change begins on the inside, that is why the first three habits of effectiveness involve victory over oneself. Habit #1 is to become a proactive person. Proactive people recognize that if they want something to happen or to change, then it is their duty to take the initiative and make it happen. They are visionary people who respond to situations, but will not violate certain values and principles; they  take responsibility for their actions. the opposite of a proactive person is a reactive person. A reactive person will allow what is going on around them to determine their actions and decisions. Reactive people will blame conditions the way they were raised, or anyone but themselves for their actions.

Find out more at our next LBS.


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