LBS: "Becoming an Effective Christian" Part 2 Create a Mission Statment
Anyone who has watched a football game has observed the players of a team huddle. The huddle is where the players are assigned a particular play that they have previously created. The play is important because without it the players would run without a clear understanding of where they need to go, and the quarterback would wasted valuable time looking for the receiver to throw the ball to, whole running the risk of being tackled by the opposing team. Just as a ply give clear direction to a football team, a mission statement is important to our personal lives.(like 14:28)) Creating a personal mission statement is the second habit in becoming an effective person and Christian.
Whatever we do in life, whatever major decisions, whatever daily decisions we make , it is always best to being with the end in mind and to make sure that Godly principles are at the core. If you are not sure what your life is centered on. Thin about where your sense of security, your identity and self worth comes from. Think about what guides or gives direction to the decisions you make. Think about what your perspective is on life and how you view other people and things around you . think about what gives you the power and motivation to acat. People can be spouse-cented, family-cented , money-centred, work-centered, prossession-centered, friend/enemy-centered and even church-centered. But the vest center is to have your sense of security, your guidance for decisions, your wisdom in life, and your power to act to be based on the principles we receive from God's Word. (Ps 119:105)
Beginning with the end in mind combined with godly principles is the basis for creating your persoal mission staement. It is like writing a consitution for how you will live your life. It will give you the power and direction for making any decision in your life no matter what circcumstances or emotions you may be facing. A mission is the vision and values that will direct your life(Prov 29:18a)
Elisha was a man who was clear about his personal mission statement: to have a double portion of Elijah's power.(2 Kings 2:9) That mission statement helped him to focus on where he wanted to go and how he would get there, it gave him a direction for every decision he mad. (2Kings 2:1-6) Elisha's mission statement made him such an effective person throughout his life and even after his death. A person came to life after falling on Elisha's grave. (Kings 13:21)
Samson also had a mission statement: to deliver Israel from the Philistines, The difference between Sampson's mission statement and Elisha's was that Samson's life was centered on pleasure and self instead of being centered on Godly principles. Imagine how much more effective Samson's would have been had he allowed Godly principles to guide him.
All things are created twice; first in the mind, then in the physical world. Picture yourself being where you want to be in the future, accomplishing what you want to do for the Kingdom of God, and picture exactly how you want to be remembered in every role of your life. What do you want family, friends and coworkers to remember about your character, your contributions and your achievements? Think about your priorities and beliefs make sure they are in alignment with what God has desired for you. A mission statement does not always stay the same. It needs to be reviewed periodically and changed as needed, like the amendments to the U. S. Constitution. Having a personal mission statement will give you direction for every decision and behavior and ultimately help you in becoming a more effective person.
Learn more at the next LBS!
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