Embracing your Strengths: Professional Strength Part 3

Professional  Strength

Whatever  you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Most great success stories contain some similarities to a roller-coaster ride. Consider the resume of Joseph. His chronological job descriptions would read something like this: favored son. Slave. First assistant to a high-ranking government official. Convicted felon. Chief Operating Officer of Egypt. Quite an up-and-down professional life, don't you think ? Joseph was hired, fired, forgotten, and then went on to become the most powerful man in the nation of Egypt, second only to the pharaoh.

    In our professional lives, we will always face challenges and set-backs, but i we choose to focus on them, we will miss out on the grand opportunities that also come our way, Joseph's life was full of God -ordained ups and downs,  but through it all he was able to maintain integrity, perseverance, and kindness in all these situations.

1. Think of someone whose professional life you have a high regard for. What about him or her do you most admire? How does he or she inspire you.?

After Joseph's jealous brothers sold him into slavery, he ended up in the house of potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's guards.

Learn more at the next LBS.


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