Embracing Your Strengths: Who Am I in God's Eyes & What Am I Supposed to Do About it? Part 4 Personal Strength
Part 4
Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the Lord; I shall not slip.
Psalm 26:1
Imagine what it must have been like for Mary, Jesus's mother. She was a young girl; most scholars suggest she was only thirteen. Her parents had arranged a good marriage for her to a nice Jewish man. She was set for a good life. She could raise children, make friends, and have a normal, happy life. But then the angel came.
She was scared at first, but who wouldn't be? And then he told her the message that would change her life forever; "Your are with child." Can you imagine the thoughts that probably raced through her head? I must be crazy. This is a dream. It's not happening, not to me..... He'll divorce me. He might kill me. My parents will disown me. How will I survive And with a child to raise too?
But "do not fear," is what he told her; it was "good news of great joy." Even though Mary couldn't comprehend the impact this would have on her life at that moment and forever, she was able to set aside her wishes and plans and trust in the Lord. This young girl had real strength, authentic faith in the God who had chosen her. She dug down deep into her soul and found the courage to believe god's word for her life.
Learn more at the next LBS.
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