Strength in Weakness Part 7

Strength in Weakness

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

The Oxford English Dictionary defines weakness as "the state or condition of lacking strength," a quality that is considered a fault. But how does God view human weakness? He doesn't shudder and fume when He sees us stumbling through life or struggling to make good decisions. To understand His perspective we need to take a step back from ours. 

    Spend some time with a toddler and you'll see this very clearly. A three-year-old has no understanding of the world apart from himself. He literally cannot comprehend outside his own experience. But we get stuck in this mind-set as well, most often when it comes to our weaknesses. We're so hard on ourselves, thinking we do't measure up and finding all the ways we've failed. And soon it becomes all we see or think about. 

    Remember that we all have fallen short of God's glory. If you do, you may start to see a ray of hope break through the dark clouds of self-condemnation. For if we did not need saving. God would be useless. But when we are weak, helpless to save ourselves, and desperate for His spirit to invade our lives, then His glory is magnified in us. We must take an honest assessment of ourselves and see our need for a Savior, only then can He enter our lives in bold and dramatic ways, empowering us to be His strength in the world. 

1. Do you fear weakness or are you ashamed of it? How does Paul describe the weaker members in our community in 1 Corinthians 12:22?

2. It is inevitable that weakness will dominate our lives at some point? 


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