Improve Your Memory
Improve Your Memory
Memorizing Scripture
Memorization is a wonderful gift. What we have memorized cannot be taken from us easily. Memorizing is also a great way to exercise the brain and keep new nerve connections developing. There are many products and techniques available to improve memory. But memorizing Scripture accomplices two things: it keeps our brains healthy, and it is also essential to growth in our Christian lives. (Joshua 1:8) since your cannot go through life with the Bible in front of you at every moment of the day, how is God’s Word not going to leave your mouth and thoughts? Through memorization.
Joshua 1:8 give us some tips to basic memory skills. The first step in memorizing is attention. (1 Tim 4:13). With so much visual and audio stimuli surrounding us, we must consciously (and unconsciously) choose what we will pay attention to. “This book of the law”...tells us to give our attention to the Bible.
The second basic memory step is encoding. Encoding is when we make a mental representation of the information according to what it looks like (visual code),how it sounds ( acoustic code), or what it means (semantic code). The way you encode information will affect what you remember and how you recall it later. That is why Joshua 1:8 touches on each of these forms of encoding.
“… that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin…” Is making reference to visual encoding of the written Word. Visualize the way words look and how they are situated on the page in your Bible.”… shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate…” Repeat the verses out loud to yourself so they will be acoustically encoded in your mind. One meaning of the word meditate is to talk out loud. God knows that our minds wander, so speaking the Word out loud to ours selves will help us stay focused and also make an acoustic encoding into our memory.”...but thou shalt meditate…” Meditate also means to ruminate. Like a cow will regurgitate something he has eaten prior and re-chew it to extract more from it. (1 Tim 4:15). When you mull over the scripture or a set of verses, you are memorizing. You are encoding it semantically. In other words, you are processing them deeply and thinking about what they mean.
All three forms of encoding are important. If you just encode visually or acoustically, you may be able to recite the scripture, but not be ale to apply it to the right situation. If you just encode semantically, you will be able to explain what a verse means, but not know where it is found in the Bible or be able to recite it.
The third basic step in memorization is storage. Storage is when information is moved into your long-term memory. “...but thou meditate…” means to elaborate on the scriptures you are memorizing and draw connections with things in your daily life you are familiar with. This way you will be able to identify with the scripture and have it stored in your long-term memory.
The final step in basic memorizing is retrieval. How you recall something is directly linked to how you encoded it in your mind. “...that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin…” the only way you will be able to observe and do all that is written in God’s word is to be able to retrieve or remember what is says.
Here again are the steps, attention > encoding > storage > retrieval. Practice, think about, repeat, and relearn as often as you need in order to not forget. Take a few moments everyday (like when stuck in traffic, etc) to make brief reviews of the scriptures you have already memorized. And, don’t be frustrated if you have to keep rechecking. It will only enforce your visual encoding.
Why should we bother to memorize Scripture? Reading informs us, memorization will transform us. (Romans 12:2). Memorization forces us to think about Christ and in so thinking we become more like Him. (Prov. 23
;7a). You will become what you think about. If you think about money you will become discontent and want more and more. If you think about sex you will get caught up in counter-productive fantasies and become dissatisfied. If you think about yourself and how you feel or look, you will become depressed and miserable. If you think on Christ you will become more and more like Him. (2 Cor 3:18).
Other benefits to scripture memorization include triumph over sin. (Ps 119:9,11). We can truth over temptation by reciting Scripture just as Jesus did after fasting in the wilderness. He responded to each temptation with a scripture he had memorized. ( Mat 4:4, 7, 10).
Having the scripture memorized comes in handy in times when people need comfort or council. ( Prov. 25:11; Isa 50:4a). It also gives us confidence when sharing the gospel with unbelievers. (1 Peter 3:15). And not only confidence for ourselves, but power when the Word of God penetrates the heart. (Isa 55:11).
Finally scripture memorization aids us in doing what is written in God’s word which promises us prosperity and success…” for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success…” as we mentioned before prosperity and success does not necessarily mean rich, but it is speaking of making progress in your walk with God and making wise decisions in life. ( Ps 1:1-3).
- Why do yo think memorization of Scripture is mostly a children’s church activity, but is not stressed in adult classes?
- Tell of a situation when a scripture you memorized came in handy/
- Why do you think scripture memorization is important and what is the best way for you to memorize?
- What is your biggest drawback to memorizing scripture? And what can you do to help you memorize scripture?
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