lbs; It's Time To Grow Up

It’s Time To Grow Up

Spiritual Growth

Have you ever noticed how much work it is to care for a baby? The diapering, feeding bathing and watching all takes so much time and energy. I have also noticed that most moms and dads don’t mind and actually enjoy the care that is required of them by that little bundle of joy. However, the joy turns to resentment after that same child has grown to a healthy adult and still requires the attention he or she had as a baby. Why? The reason is obvious. It is the natural course of nature for us to progress from total dependency as a child to self-sufficiency as an adult. Much resentment can and has been built between parents and their offspring if they refuse to accept their adult responsibilities. 

(Heb 5:12-14). The Apostle Paul was admonishing the church, in the book of Hebrews, to become mature in their walk with God. The issue was that instead of being teachers and examples of the Word of God they were still acting like new believers having a need to be taught. Christians who continually find themselves falling into the same sins, gossiping, being offended, finding fault with others, complaining, uninvolved, selfish with their time and money and uncooperative are those of whom the Apostle Paul was writing. As the church of the Living God, we must hold ourselves to a high standard of living. It is our responsibility as mature Christians to put into practice the “strong meat” of the Word of God. If you have found yourself guilty of some of these practices, maybe it’s time to be honest with yourself and look in the mirror and say “it’s time to grow up.” (1Cor 13:11)

  1. What were some of the things you had the most trouble with when you first became a Christian? How did you overcome these issues?
  2. In general, explain how you feel a mature Christian should act in these situations?
  1. Someone treats you rudely. (2 Cor 6;3-10)
  2. When tempted to sin. (1 Cor 15:58)
  3. When you are unhappy with your situation. ( Philippians 4;11

  1. Growing in God is a lifelong commitment, however, there is a time when as Paul said in 1 Cor 13:11, “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, when I became a man I put chicks ways behind me. “ How much time do you feel a person needs to grow before they begin to take on mature Christian traits. 
  2. Read James 5:15. In what areas that we just discussed do you have a problem?


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