lbs: Every Wednesday. Today's Topic "Encountering God"

Encountering God

(Ex 3:1-6) Each person who claims to be a Christian has encountered God, in that God has revealed Himself to them in some way. Likewise, many first time encounters with God are similar to Moses’ initial experience, since he wasn’t searching for God at that time. Nevertheless, God was searching for him and found him, just as He one day found us and made it possible for us to have a relationship with Him. 

Ex 33:17-23. In today’s Scriptures, we find hat after Moses learned many of God’s laws, he wanted to have a greater experience with God than he had previously. He sought a far deeper encounter with God, and asked to see the Lord’s glory and majesty. 

Ex 34:5-8, 29-30. The dramatic experience that followed isn’t clearly understood to this day. God revealed His back side to Moses, but not His face. Some believe this to mean that God let him look into the future and see the coming Savior, the Christ. In any event, this encounter with God had a dramatic effect on moses, and his face literally glowed from the glory of the Lord. 

An encounter with God always has a profound effect on our lives. As Christians, sometimes we haven’t touched the Lord in a while, and we need a fresh new experience with God. Still other Christians are so much in love with God that they will not be satisfied unless they experience a greater measure of His presence. If you’re one of these folks who really wants to have a fresh encounter with God, the key is to search for Him with all your heart. (Jer 29:13). We have Jeremiah’s word that this is the sure way to find Him. 


  1. When you first became a Christian, which of the following attracted you to God:
  1. The hope of going to heaven?
  2. The fear of going to hell?
  3. The desire for your sins to be forgiven? 
  4. A hunger to be near God’s presence and feel His love? 
  5. Other?

  1. Many people have had dramatic or unique experiences with God. If this has ever happened to you, please describe your encounter with God. 
  2. Since God is so awesome, seeking an encounter with Him can be somewhat frightening. How would you assure someone who is afraid, that his is a wonderful experience? 


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