lbs: Get the Dirt Out
Get The Dirt Out
Freedom through the Word
Sin is not bad because it’s forbidden, it’s forbidden because it’s bad. God knows what’s going to be a blessing and He knows what will defile and damage. He knows what will bring heartaches and headaches, sadness and sorrow, pain and problems when we sin. God is grieved because he knows it will bring unnecessary pain and sadness. But when we sin, we have within our reach, a deliverer.
(Judges 3:12-22). Israel had sinned again, and because of their sin, God chose to discipline them through Eglon, the king of Moab. They were controlled and dominated by Eglon for eighteen years. Finally, after eighteen years of being under Eglon’s thumb, they cried to the Lord with passion and intensity, and He heard their prayer.
Most of us at some time or another, maybe even now. Have an issue in our lives that seems too big a problem we can’t overcome. It may be an addiction, imagination, attitude, bigotry or whatever. It’s sin which we may conceal quite well from others or it may be obvious, but only we know how much it oppresses and dominates us. We know we need to get rid of it, but we have to be desperate enough to cry out to God for deliverance.
The children of Israel sent Eglon a present. It very well could have been food, since he is the only man in the Bible called, “a very fat man.” Maybe they thought, “If we feed him, make him happy, he’ll let us have some rest and tranquility for a while.” Many times we want to stop the sin, but we say, “Just one more time, on more toke, one more sip, one more look, one more touch, one more phone call, just one more and then maybe this dictating, dominating problem will back off for a while. But, when you feed this oppression, this heavy weight of sin within just gets fatter and stronger.
Ehud made himself a two-edged dagger and he hid it under his cloths, in the Bible, a sword and a two-edged sword is a symbol of the Word of God. (Heb 4:12, Ephor:17). We don’t hide the Word under our clothes, but inside our hearts by memorizing scripture and daily allowing it to saturate our souls. (Ps 119:9-11). Ehud pierced onto Eglon’s gut so that even the handle was covered by the fat and he could not pull it out, but what did come out was dirt. When you get tired of the dirt in your soul dominating you, the lust, the attitudes, the temptations, the bitterness, the anger, hostility or whatever it maybe, remember, when the sword goes in, the dirt comes out. (john 15:3).
God has given you the weapon to set you free from the sin that is leading you down a path of heartache and heartbreak. It’s called the Word of God. (john 17:17; John 8:32). Many times we look for a single touch, a quick prayer to get deliverance. Or, we ask someone to pray for us because we are struggling with this sin. But, how has our devotional life looked in the past seven days? What we need, is to stay faithful to church, have a daily time to meditate and allow God’s Word to saturate and renew our minds. There is delivering power in the Word of God, and when we loose interest or pull away from His Word, then “Eglon” will inevitably take control. Only with disciplined reading and studying, will the dirt come out.
We can make the Word of God part of the fabric of our being first by being consistent in reading and studying. (2kings 3:16-17). We may be disinterested in what we are reading at times or we may find it hard to understand, but if we are consistent, it’s like digging ditches and eventually God will fill those ditches. In the mean time, our spirit is being fed, our mind renewed and four faith built.
Secondly, we must have a spirit of expectancy. In our devotionals and when we go to church, expect to hear from God. If we don’t approach in faith we won’t receive.
Third, remember that the Bible is God speaking to us. In prayer we speak to Him. So, if we read a few scriptures, think them through, then talk to God, we can have a conversation with God.
Bible study and meditation on His Word is the key to victory over the things that oppress and depress you. Get the Word in, so the dirt can come out. ( 2Tim 2:15).
- Why will a person live so long with issues they know are wrong and will not lead to contentment.?
- How can we get the Word of God inside us? Or share what has worked in helping you get God’s Word in your heart.
- How does getting the Word of God in our minds, help bring deliverance from besetting sins? Or , give a testimony of how the Word of God delivered you.
- Is there something in your life that shouldn’t be there? What specific habits do you need to change or form to gain victory over it?
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