lbs; Jehovah Rapha

Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer.The Lord, Amen, Inspiration, God ...

The Names of Jehovah 
Part 2 - Jehovah-Rapha
The Lord that Heals
“Race for the cure”. Billions of dollars are raised and spent every year to find a cure for the diseases that threaten our lives. People are even searching for ways to live healthy lives well past 100 years of age. There are many medications that relieve the symptoms of an illness, but they don’t deal with the root problem that caused the illness. Sickness and death are the result of sin. (1Cor. 11;30). Deal with the disobedience to God’s Word and you will deal with the problem. 

(Ex. 15:22-26). This is the second compound name of Jehovah. Jehovah-Rapha means the Lord that heals, restores, or cures. After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites sang  a great song of triumph, but soon after they were complaining out of frustration and disappointment because the drinking water was bitter. You would think that after such a great deliverance, they would remember God’s goodness and mercy, believe He would do it again and pray for God to make a way again. Instead, they saw the bitter water, focused on their problem and complained and grumbled. (Ps 78:38-39). It was God’s love and mercy that had brought Israel to the waters of Marah to teach them a lesson and to reveal Himself to them as Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord that heals. 

This first example of Jehovah-Rapha speaks to us directly of our Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross for our salvation. (Is 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24). The bitter waters represent the bitter results of sin. Jesus Christ is that tree that beings healing to our sin-sick souls and removes the curses of sin. (Rev 22:2). The people of Israel didn’t cry out for good water till they had tasted the water and realized it was bitter. We realize our need for God when we taste the bitterness of sin. (Rom 7:23-24). Next, Moses had to pray and call on the Lord before God showed him what to do to make the waters drinkable. In the same way, we are not saved by only offering up a prayer to God, but prayer and repentance are a step towards salvation. (Prov. 28:13). Third, God could have just spoken the word and made the waters sweet, but he chose to use a specific means by which Moses’ faith would be proved. If Moses had not believed God, cut the tree down, and cast it into the waters, they would not have been healed. There are many examples in the Bible where God chooses to use a means by which to prove our faith, obedience and belief in Him. Even so, our faith in God’s saving power and our obedience to Him, is proven through baptism. (1 Peter 3:20-21). Just as the tree had to be applied to the waters to be healed, we must apply Christ’s work on the cross to our lives to be saved. (Rom6:3-4). Finally, the people were able to be refreshed after the waters of Marah were healed. We too, can be refreshed by being filled with the living water of the Holy Ghost. (John 4:10, 13-14). Jesus Christ is Jehovah-Rapha, the healer and restorer of our souls. 

When the people of Israel came to Marah, they were dying of thirst, they were in trouble. Sometimes we may find ourselves in trouble because the Lord wants to reveal himself to us as Jehovah-Rapha. He wants to show us how He can make our bitter waters sweet. (Ps. 34:17). There are many ways in which the Lord can do this. Sometimes He just changes our circumstances. Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t know what to do, but you had to make a decision. Then the Lord stepped in and completely changed everything, opening up a path before you? Or sometimes God will interject something unexpected to help resolve our troubles. Just as the tree had always been at Marah, but God had to show it to Moses. Sometimes in the midst of our problems, we can’t see Christ, but then when He shows us His hand the bitterness becomes sweet. Frequently, God gives us peace in the mists of our troubles by giving us the satisfaction of knowing we are in His will. Acquiescence to the will of God brings peace quicker and more effectively than anything else. All of our passed experiences of God’s grace are a pledge of His grace for us both now and in the future. (Ps. 71:20).

Finally, Christ is Jehovah-Rapha the healer of all our sicknesses. (Matt. 8:17). As stated earlier, sickness and death are the result of sin. We are born into sin, so we are prone to sickness and death (Ps. 51:5). God could have just spoken the word and the waters would have been healed, but He chose to use a means by which to prove faith and heal the waters. God could also speak the word and we can be healed, but He has also given us a means by with to prove our faith and obedience even in sickness,( James 5:14-15). Sometimes He chooses to show us His strength through our illness. (2 Cor 12:7-10). Often though we may not think of it, god’s prevention of a disease is just as much worthy of praise as His curing of it. And on this note, God created our bodies with the capability to fight disease, cleanse and renew itself. Many times we succumb to illness because of our own wrong eating, lack of exercise, bad habits, and by allowing junk into our bodies. (1 Cor 6:19). We are to be wise stewards of the bodies god had given us to use for the work of His kingdom. Finally just as God provides healing and restoration for our souls, troubles and bodies, we have the promise that He will one day restore eternal life to our corruptible bodies. (1 Corinthians 15:51-56). Jesus Christ is Jehovah-Rapha the god that heals. 

  1. What are some reasons we may find ourselves in need of restoration for our souls, or in need of healing for troubles or sickness? (God may put us in situations to reveal Himself to us, sin has wearied our souls or made us sick, we ourselves jeopardize our health by our habits)
  2. Why does God choose to use a specific means for healing?
  3. Share about a time when  God revealed Himself to you as Jehovah- Rapha?
  4. Are you in need of healing or restoration for your soul, a trouble or sickness today? What steps can you take to show your faith and obedience to God? 


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