A Good Name vs. Reputation Part 1of 2

Ecco 7:1
A Good Name vs. Reputation
Part 1

What would you prefer to have been named at birth?

Topic: “What does it mean to have a good name?

Ecc 7:1 Why is a good name better than precious ointment, and what makes our deathday, better than our birthday? The second part of this verse cannot be separated from the first. Why does a good name matter on the day of our death? We will look at these questions in a two-part study.

To answer the first question, Why is a good name better than precious ointment? We have to understand what precious ointment meant in the context of Solomon’s day. In Solomon’s day there were very few bathtubs and bathing happened infrequently. The climate was hot and often muggy, so there was an aroma around the community that would be quite offensive to us. But if you were wealthy or fortunate enough, you could purchase expensive ointments or perfumes called precious ointment. Then you could pour on the ointment or perfume to cover up the odor of your body. Precious ointment made you socially acceptable. A person that had the luxury of purchasing ointments could move in the community with certainty knowing they smelled OK. In our times that is comparable to popularity and like ability. 

Second, precious ointment produced financial stability. In Solomon’s day there were no banks, brokers, stocks, bonds, CD’s or safe deposit boxes. When a person had money, very often they would invest it in precious ointments. Precious ointments were always in demand and their value always stayed high.  That is why when Mary poured the ointment on Jesus' feet Judas complained that it could have been sold and the money used to help the poor. Mary was, in essence, emptying her bank count onto Jesus’ feet. So in our times the precious ointment also represents wealth, financial stability and job security.

Thirdly, precious ointment or anointing oil made you spiritually identifiable as a priest. (Ex 30:22-23a, 25,30). The aroma of this ointment was totally unique and exclusively for the priests. When a person smelled that sweet fragrance they knew there was a man that had been ministering in the anointing and service of the Lord. We are called to be priests (1 Peter 2:5) and the anointing oil represents the Holy Ghost in us (Acts 10:38, 2 Cor 1:21). Just like the anointing oil was very identifiable because it had a very sweet smell, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace. The Spirit is like a dove, not screeching hawk, not a screaming eagle, (and I’m not referring to Harley Davidson Motorcycle either)  but there is a sweetness in the anointing of the Holy Ghost. These were the three aspects of precious ointment, it made you popular, wealthy, and identified your spiritual status. 

Many times when we hear this verse we think that a good name means a good reputation. But a good reputation can easily be taken away. The vast majority of the prophets, apostles, and even Jesus himself had their reputations dragged though the mud through accusations and condemnations. Most of them were even kill for their reputations. Jesus himself was the epitome of good, but he had many accusers and enemies. He had no reputation (Phil 2:5-8). So a good reputation is not necessarily a good name. 

A good reputation is not what is better than popularity, wealth or spiritual status, So what is a good name? 

First, a good name is the name of Jesus (Heb 1:4, Phil 2:9). Just like a bride takes on her husband's name, we can choose to take on the name of Jesus name though baptism in His name. (Acts 4:12, Gal 3:27, Romans 13:14). Jesus came to rescue us from our own mistakes and shortcomings and to give us a good name, His name(1 Cor 6:11). If you have taken on the name of Jesus, that is more important than popularity, wealth, or ministry.

Second, a good name is always in God’s memory. (Ex 28:29). The breastplate had the names of the children of Israel written on it and the names were worn right over the heart of the high priest. This was a memorial before God when they entered the holy place to make supplication for the people. Christ is our high priest (Heb 9:24). He will not forget us just like a mother should not forget her child. (Is 49:15-16). Your name is etched on the palm of His hand, and that hand also holds the scar as proof of His love for you. knowing that you are a child of God and He  will not forget you is better than being liked, financial stability, or spiritual status. 

Lastly, a good name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. (Luke 10:20, Rev 3:5). The fact that you are saved
eternally is better than being accepted in society, job security or miracles performed though spirituality.

Since life is not about us, reputation means nothing (Romans 3:9-10).but His name means everything. How glorious to know that through the Name of Jesus Christ we can have peace during this life and hope after death. 


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