But You Promised!
But You Promised
Topic of Discussion: God, the Promise Keeper
You may have heard or even said these words at some point in your life. They are usually said when a promise is not kept, and a person is left feeling disappointed or betrayed. All relationships are based on some type of promise. Our relationship with God is not any different. 2 Peter 1:4
A promise takes an unpredictable future and says, “ No matter what, this one thing will be predictable about the future.” Perhaps this is why we, as humans, sometimes break our promises; we cannot totally control the future. Perhaps this is why God is such a great promise keeper, because the future is not unpredictable to Him. He knows the future.
In Abraham’s day, there were no lawyers to draw up any contacts between two parties, but there was a custom called “cutting a covenant”. Two people would take an animal and cut it in half. They would then both stand between the two halves, hold hands and speak the agreement. The half of the dead animal meant that …….find out the rest at our next lbs!
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