"The Law" This Wednesday at 10-11am in the Hub.

Obeying the  Spirit of the Law

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "the law"? Is it a list of rules, people in uniforms, a courtroom, or even a jail cell? Every country, organization, and even home has laws or rules that citizens or members are expected to follow. Someone once said, "The law cannot be broken, we can only break ourselves against the law." This is a pretty accurate description of what happens to us when we chooses to disobey a law. In the Bible, the "Law" is mentioned over three hundred times. It contains the terms of the Covenant God made with Moses on Mt. Sinai and it had tree divisions: commandments governed righteousness, ordinances or ceremonial laws governed Old Testament worship, and judgements governed social life. 

Come join us at our next lbs to find out more about "the Law". Don't miss it! Get it!


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