James 1:13-27 Lesson 2:" The marks of genuine faith"
James: Living a Life of Genuine Faith
James 1:13-27 Lesson 2
Last week we learned that genuine faith perseveres in trials. We acknowledged the certainty of facing trials, and that we can rejoice in the knowledge that God is teaching us patients or steadfastness. We also saw that those facing trials will receive wisdom when they ask for it.
This week James teaches us a further way to recognize genuine faith: in the way we respond to temptation. Read through the entire book of James. Then re-read James 1:13-27. We will also be glancing back at last weeks passages as well.
- What do you think is the key difference between trials (v2,12) and temptations (v13)?
2. Apply: Think of a temptation you have faced unsuccessfully. What was the outcome? In
hindsight, how would you handle the temptation differently?
3.God cannot be the source of temptation. Of what is He the source?
4. What is the actual source of temptation? (1:14) __________________________________
What is the certain result of giving into temptation? (1:15) ___________________________
5. What role do you think the eyes play in the committing of sin?
6. Read Genesis 3:1-6. What process does Eve go through in verse 6?
She _____________ the apple
She _____________ the apple
She _____________ the apple
She _____________ the apple
She _____________ the apple
When Joshua is commanded to take the city of Jericho, God give specific instructions about what to do with the spoils (Joshua 6:18-19, 7:1). Achan, one of his commanders, disobeys these instructions. Read Joshua 7:19-25, and not the similarities between Achan’s story and Eve’s.
Read 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 14,26-27. What similarities can you find in David’s story to those you have just studied?
7. What is James warning his brothers not to be deceived about?
8. James tells us to be “slow to speak” (1:19). Read the following verses from Old Testament wisdom literature and not what they say about our words:
Proverbs 10:19
Proverbs 17:27, 28
Proverbs 18:2, 4-7
Ecclesiastes 5:2
Apply: what steps could you take to become better at guarding your words? Which of your relationships would benefit the most from your becoming slower to speak?
9. What does it mean to “receive the implanted word” (1:21)? With what attitude are we to receive the Word of God? Why is this attitude key?
Apply: James describes the Word of God as the “perfect law that gives freedom” (1:25). Many people think of God’s law as something that takes away our freedom. James says the opposite is true. How does God’s law give us freedom? Give an example from you own experience.
10. What does James tell us is a sure indicator that someone’s outward religious practice is false?
11. Scan back through 1:19-27. In the passage, note below everything James instructs us to do and not to do:
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