James. Lesson 5

Living a Life of Genuine Faith 
James 3:1-12

Last lesson we learned that Genuine faith bears the fruit of good works. We saw that there is no such thing as fruitless faith—that all genuine faith bears the fruit of good works. 

This next lesson James tackles the most prominent area where our actions reveal the state of our faith: our speech. Nothing gives away the state of our hears faster than our words. Read  through the entire book of James. Yes, again! Repetition is a useful tool when studying God’s Word. Then, re-read James 3:1-12

  1. James warns that not many should become teacher. Why might many want to become teachers?

2. Does James seem to be changing the subject in chapter 3 from what we covered last week? How might the topic of pure speech build on his discussion of the relationship between faith and works? 

3. What does James mean when he says that one who controls his tongue is “a perfect man”?(3:2)

4. What imagery does James use to describe the tongue and its role?
descriptive image







5. Apply: Which of these images can you most relate to? Why?

6. James 3:9-12, here James appeals to logic. How can these two things be at the same time? Interestingly, James has given us these “pairs” before. Finish the sentences below: 

In chapter 1 James told us about the double mined ______. (hint, starts with an m 3 letters)
In chapter 2 we heard about the double standard of ___________________. this one may vary. 
In chapter 3 now we hear about the double _______________. (starts with a t)

7. Is there ever a time that we sin with our tongues by remaining silent? Think of an example from your own life and write it down. 

8. What positive uses of the tongue can you find in the following verses? 

Romans 10:14-15

Colossians 3:15-17 

9. Our words matter to God and the matter to us. God chose to communicate who he is through words. Words have the power to create and destroy. God spoke this world into existence. He has super-natural power to create, you and I do not. We do though still have the natural power to create and destroy with our words. 

Fill in the blanks below the best you can. Answers may vary. More than one answer may apply each one.  Remember, there are no wrong answers. We will share these when we get together. 

  1. Speaking honestly creates ___________________.

2. Speaking forgiveness to others creates ______________.

3. Speaking encouragement creates _________________________.

4. Speaking slander or gossip destroys someones _____________________.

5. Speaking with criticisms or sarcasm has the potential to destroy ______________________.   

6. Grumbling can cause __________________.


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