James lesson 7 "Living a Life of Genuine Faith"

Living a Life of Genuine Faith
James 4:11-5:6
Lesson 7

In Lesson 6 we learned that genuine faith hates the wisdom and ways of the world. In lesson 7 James shows us three pride-driven behaviors that worldliness embraces: slander, boasting, and hoarding. Read through the entire book of James. Then re-read James 4:11-5:6. 

  1. Look back at 2:1-4 and note its relationship to what James discusses in 4:11-12. 

       2:4    judges with evil_________________

       4:11 judges with evil_________________

2. Specifically, who is James admonishing us not to slander/ speak evil of? (hint: what word is repeated 3 times in4:11?) _________________Why is this particular form of slander important to avoid? 

3. Look up the following verses and note what you find about speaking about a brother or sister.

Revelation 12:9-10

1John 2:1-2

Who are we imitating when we slander a sister or brother?____________________
In what ways can we be more like Christ when speaking about a brother? 

4. Apply: Think of a time you may have spoken evil against a brother/sister in the Lord. What lies do we tell ourselves when we slander. 

5. What makes us particularly unqualified to sit in the role of judge for our neighbor? (4:12) List several thoughts below.

6. Summarize what James is saying in 4:13-17 in one sentence:

7. What apparent sins characterize the rich people James is addressing? Check all that apply and write the verse reference nest to your selections:

__withholding wages                                __murdering the innocent
__fraud                                                      __self-indulgent living

__hoarding of wealth                                __condemning the innocent

8. In 5:1-3, what does James point out about the relationship between worldly wealth and the passage of time?

9. Now read Matthew 7:19-24. Who is speaking? What similarities do you find to the words of James?

10. Based on the words of James and Jesus, what is the right relationship to have with wealth and possessions? Why? (Look up Psalm 24:1to confirm your answer)


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