LBS Joshua 3-5:13 "From Slave to Heir" Lesson 3 Study Guide


                                                           Lbs lesson3
                                                      Chapters 3 - 5:12
                                                 Joshua: From Slave to Heir

Having scouted out the land, the nation of Israel begins to move into position to claim its inheritance. While Rahab waits with her scarlet cord in the window, Joshua and his people walk forward in obedience to the word of the Lord. As they set foot on the soil promised to Abraham generations before, God will challenge His people to trust and obey.

Read Chapter 3 - 5:12
  1. Summarize what happens in chapter 3, 4 and 5:1-12 in 2-3 sentences for each chapter.

  1. The Ark figures so prominently in chapters 3 and 4. Why do you think this is? 

  1. How many times is the ark mentioned in chapters 3 - 4? _____
      As you count, note in the space below the different titles used for the ark. 

  1. Apply: How might a constant visual reminder of God's presence have reassured the people as they faced the great task before them? How should this story reassure us? How can we created "reminders" of God's faithfulness and goodness?

Now look specifically at Chapter 3
4.  2000 cubits is ________yards. That’s 10 Football fields.

Why do you think the people were told to keep such a distance from the Ark? 

5. What did Joshua mean by "consecrate yourselves"? (3:5) Read Exodus 19:9-10. 

6. Why is what God promises to do for Joshua in 3:7 a necessary and good promise?

Now look at chapter 4
7. What were the twelve stones to be a reminder of? (4:21-22)

8. Apply: The twelve stones were intended to remind the Israelites not just of the miraculous crossing, but of the mighty God who brought it about. What milestone in your past serves as a reminder to you that God is mighty to do what he has promised? Use the space below to build an alter of remembrance with your words:

9. Notice the time reference (4:19). Read Exodus 12:2-3. What do you find? 

Look at Chapter 5
10. How is 5:1 a statement of God’s faithfulness?

12. From a military strategy perspective, why might circumcising all the males at once be a risky plan? Is there another story that this reminds you of? Hint: Genesis 34

13. What second ceremony did Israel observe while encamped at Gilgal? (5:10-12)
 14. After years of being fed by heavenly means, the people now begin to be fed in a new way. What is it (note the repetition of the idea)? _________________________


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