Lbs Joshua Chapter 24 Lesson 10 final
Final Lesson 10
Well, we are finally here at the last lesson in the study of the book of Joshua. With 9 weeks of study behind us, we now turn our eyes to the closing scenes of the book. Having charged Israel’s leaders with a call to obedience, Joshua now gathers the entire nation for a final exhortation. No doubt you can guess what his theme will be. As you read and study our final chapter this week, reflect on how it reiterates everything that has come before. Hear Joshua’s call to obedience as a call to you personally.
Read Chapter 24 and summarize in one or two sentences.
2. Does Joshua assemble the people to present themselves before him? Fill in the blanks
24:1 Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem and summoned the elders, the
heads, the judges, and the officers of Israel. And they presented themselves
____________ _______.
3. Note the repeated idea in 24:13:
24:13 I gave you land on which ______ ______ ______ _______, and cities which _____
_____ _____ _______, and you dwell in them. You eat the fruit of vineyards and olive
groves which ______ ______ _____ _________.
4. Why do you think God makes this point? How does it summarize the previous section
(24:2-13) and set up the verses that follows (24:14-28)?
Now focus on Joshua 24:14-28
5. Paraphrase the dialogue that occurs in this section between Joshua and the people.
People (24:16-18):
Joshua (24:19-20):
People (24:21):
Joshua (24:22a):
People (24:22b):
Joshua (24:23):
People (24:24):
6. Note each action Joshua takes in response to the people’s commitment to obey God
Joshua made______________________________________________________________________
Joshua wrote______________________________________________________________________
Joshua took_______________________________________________________________________
Joshua said_______________________________________________________________________
Joshua sent_______________________________________________________________________
7. What three people are laid to rest in this final section? Write their names below.
1. ______________________
3. _____________________
8. What “benediction” is given on the life of Joshua in 24:31? What does it indicate about the
strength of his influence as a leader?
9. Apply : Give some thought to your influence over those around you. Who has the Lord
granted you godly influence over? What do they most need you to model, remind them
of, and exhort them to?
10. What verse or passage from Joshua stand out most in y
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