Judges 13-14 Lesson 8 "A Man of Strength & Weakness" Part One.

Lbs Judges Chapters 13-14 
          Lesson 8 "A Man of Strength & Weakness”
Part One
Eleven Judges have been raised up, each with varying degrees of faithfulness and varying amounts of influence. Only one remains- Samson, a man with a story so colorful, instructive and tragic it will take two lessons to cover. 

Israel once again succumbs to bondage, this time to the Philistines. This week we will learn of God's call on Samson's life, of his first acts of strength, and of the first signs of his conflicted nature. Next week we will witness the outcome of his choices and examine the secret of his legendary strength. 

Read Judges 13-14 

  1. Summarize 13 & 14 in two or three sentences each.

2. Fill in the information for Samson on your Judges chart. Highlight him on your map.

Now focus on Judges 13:1-14

3. Who announces the special calling of Samson? (13:3)_______________________
    What other judge received a similar announcement of his calling?______________

4. What special instructions does the messenger give to Samson's mother in 13:3-5?

    How many times are these instructions repeated in later verses in the passage? _____ times

5. Specifically, in what way was Samson to be set apart? (13:5)

     "....the child shall be a ________________ to God from the __________"

6. Read Numbers 6:1-21 and note below what else you learn about this unique calling. Specifically, what three restrictions were to be observed without exception?




7. Apply: God graciously equips both  Samson's mother and father with the same vision for their child's upbringing. How would this help them as parents seeking to raise a God-fearing child in a pagan culture? How does their situation parallel that of modern-day Christian parents?

Now focus on Judges 14:1-9

8. Why were Samson's parents hesitant about his choice of a bride? Look at Deuteronomy 7:3-4 to hep with your answer.

9. Twice in chapter 14 we see Samson use strength given to him by the "Spirit of the Lord" once to kill the lion and once to kill the men of Ashkelon. Do these seem like good uses of his gifting? Why or why not?

10. Samson illustrates that we can have the power of the Holy Ghost operating in our lives but still not grow in holiness. What does growth in the Spirit look like? Look up Galatians 5:19-25 to help with your answer. 

11. Samson had physical strength but weakness in _____________________ (fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind)

12.Apply: When Holy Ghost filled people operate in a spiritual gift without pursuing personal holiness, what inevitably happens? What exposure have you had to Samson-like leaders, using God-given gifts for personal gain?

What has this weeks lesson showed you about God more clearly?

What one step can you take this week to better live in light of this truth?


  1. I did this study at home this morning and find it's a reminder to stay within God's given boundaries to remain safe from life changing mistakes.


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