Judges Lesson 7 Chapters 10:6-12:5 "The Power of Words"
Judges 10:6 - 12:15
lesson 7
"The Powers of Words"
The nation of Israel cries out to God in its anguish, and from an unlikely lineage, God raises up Jephthah to deliver his people. But their repentance will be short-lived, and even the positive impact of their leaders will grow more and more difficult to discern.
Read Judges 10:6- 12: 15
1.Summarize 10:6-18 in 2 or 3 sentences.
2. Summarize Chapter 11 in 2 or 3 sentences.
3. Summarize Chapter 12 in 2 or 3 sentences.
4. Look at Judges 10:6.
List below the gods the Israelites worshiped.
Other Gods:
The __________ and the ________________
The gods of _____________
The gods of_____________
The gods of ____________
The gods of ____________
The gods of ____________
5. How hard was the oppression of the Israelites? (10:8-9) Note the word choices that support your response.
6.How would you describe God's response to their cries of distress? (10:11-15) Does His response seem like that of a loving father? Why or why not?
7. Look at 10:16 then look up Isaiah 63:9. What do these verses speak to you?
8. Apply: Describe a time when you put your trust in a god that was not God: a job, a family member, money, etc. How does God use our worship of ineffective non-gods to drive us back to worshipping Him?
Now look at Judges 11:29-40
9. Why do you think Jephthah makes the vow he does in 11:30-31?
10. Does Jepthah's vow honor God? Look up the following verses to help with your answer:
Leviticus 20;1-5
Jeremiah 7:31
11. Apply What lessons should we learn from Jephthah's tragic family story?
Look at Judges 12:1-15
12. Ephraim’s behavior reveals something about how they view the enemy and how they view their brothers. Fill in the blanks below.
Ephraim is slow to show up to fight _____________________, but quick to show up to fight ____ _____________.
13. What family tragedy results from the conflict between Ephraim and the Gileadites? (12:5-6)?
What have these passages revealed to you about the character of God?
What have they revealed about yourself?
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