Lbs Judges lesson 6 "Whaat Makes a Good Leader" Chapters 9:-10:5

                                                                Lbs Judges Chapters 9:-10:5
                                                            Lesson 6 What makes a Good Leader

Last lesson we watched Gideon arise from obscurity to fame and from fearfulness to boldness. Success proved as big a trial as failure for Gideon, and the final verdict on his life is mixed. He did much good for Israel, but he also turned the sword on his own people and led them into idolatry. Now he leaves behind a son who is more willing to seize the crown by any means. 

Read Judges 9- 10:5
  1. Summarize these chapters in 2 or 3 sentences.

2. Look back at Judges 8:30-31. Specifically, what is Abimelech's relationship to Gideon?

Now focus on 9:1-6.
3. Where were the sons of Jerubbaal killed? (9:5)

"on one __________" 

Now look at Judges 9:7-21.
4. List below the four different "trees" Jotham included in his parable. What contrast do you think he is making between the first three and the fourth? (9:7-15)


5. What warning did Jotham want to communicate through his parable? (9:16-20) Summarize its main point in one sentence. 

Now look at Judges 9:22-57
6. For how many years does Abimelech's authority go unchallenged? (9:22)___________

7. What strategy does Abimelech employ to overthrow: 

     the city of Shechem?(9:45) :
     the people in the tower of Shechem? (9:46-49)

     the city of Thebez? (9:50)

     the people in the tower of Thebez? (9:51-52)

8. How is the fact that Abimelech is mortally wounded by a millstone ironic? Look back at 9:5 to help with your answer. 

9.What does 9:54 reveal to be Abimelech's greatest concern in his final moments?

10. Apply: It's tempting to read a story like Abimelech's and say, "God, I thank you that I am not like that sinner." What does Abimeleh's story want to teach us about ourselves? Read Titus 3:3-8. then choose one of Abimelech's character flaws that you most identify with. How have you seen the Lord bring renewal in that area?

Now look at Judges 10:1-5
11. From whom did Tola save Israel?

* Don't forget to fill in your chart of judges for this week: , Tola and Jair. 

What aspect of God's character has this week's passage of Judges shown you more clearly?

What one step can you take this week to better live in light of that fact?

I know we can get carried away as we are reading these colorful characters and deeds, but Scripture is still revealing to us, even in these stories, who God is!


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