Judges 17-18 Lesson 10 "This Is The Result When Everyone Does What Is Right In Their Own Eyes"

Lbs Judges Lesson 10
Chapters 17-18

The last of the 12 judges has gone to his grave, but the book of Judges is not done driving home its point. In the closing chapters we hear stories intended to show us the devastation that results when everyone does what is right in their own eyes. 

Read Judges 17-18

  1. Summarize both chapters in 2-3 sentences each. 

Focus on chapter 17. 
2. How would you describe Micah's mother's response to the news that her own son had taken her money? What does she do with a portion of what he returns to her? 

3. Which of the Ten Commandments are broken in 17:15? List them below. 

4. Read Deuteronomy 6:1-15. How does the story of Micah and his mother reinforce these words of Moses? 

Now focus on Judges 18.
5. All of the tribes had received their designated inheritances in the book of Joshua. Why is the tribe of Dan seeking for an inheritance in Judges 18? Look up the following passages to help with your answer. 

Joshua 19:40-48

Judges 1:34

6. How reliable is the priest's blessing in 18:6? Is he a valid mouthpiece for the Lord? 

7. Note Micah's response to the theft in 18:24.

            " You take my gods that I made and the priest, and go away, and 
                __________ ___________ _______ _____ ___________?"

       Contrast this reaction to the words of David in Psalm 73:25. Write them below:

8. In 18:30 we at last learn the name of the Levite who left the house of Micah to become the priest of Dan. What is it? 

    _____________________, the son of ____________________, the son of ______________

     How does this information place an exclamation mark on the story as a whole?

      And don't you just love how the narrator drips this on the reader at the very last minute!? 

What have these chapters revealed to you about God more clearly? 

What about your own self - reflection? 


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