Judges 21 Lesson 12

Lbs Judges Lesson 12
Chapter 21

We now turn our eyes to the closing scenes of the book of Judges. As the dust settles on its civil war Israel’s tears begin. After a costly war, six hundred Benjamite men still cling to the rock of Rimmon, but their families have been put to the sword, without wives, these men cannot rebuild their tribe.

Ever resourceful, Israel’s elders come up with two schemes to secure Israelite bries for he rebuilding of the tribe of Benjamin. As you read and study our final chapter, reflect on how it illustrates the horrific outcomes of self-rule. Hear the book of Judges call you personally to acknowledge and gladly serve the King of Kings. 

Then take time to reflect over the book as a whole. Having studied the entire book, begin asking yourself why it is included in the Bible. After all, it’s not exactly the most upbeat message. What eternal purpose could it serve? 

Read Chapter 21

  1. Summarize Chapter 21:1-15 in 1or 2 sentences.

2. Summarize Chapter 21:16-25 in 1 or 2 sentences.

Now shift your focus to Judges 21:1-15

3. In their anger toward the tribe of Benjamin, what foolish now had the men of Israel made? (21:1)

4. What problem does Israel’s foolish bow pose with regard to the survival of the tribe of Benjamin? (21:6-7)

Now look at Judges 21:16-25

5. The 400 virgins from Jabesh-gilead do not provide enough wives for the remnant of Benjamin. Describe the plan the elders devise to solve this problem without breaking the oath. 

     What location were the men of Benjamin to go to? (21:19)

     On what holy occasion? (21:19)

By what method were wives to be obtained? (21:20-21)

       What logic was to be offered to the families o the women? (21:22)

6. What does the final verse of Judges reinforce once again about what we should take away from the stories in chapters 17-21?

7. Apply: Israel had no king, but she had a heavenly one. Like Israel, how are we prone to seek our own counsel and pursue our own ends without regard to our King’s wishes? In what area of your life are you most likely to assert self -rule?


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