Genesis 3:1-24 Lesson 4 "Paradise Lost"
LBS Genesis 3:1-24
Lesson 4
At the end of Genesis 2, we found ourselves in a perfect garden, an ordered creation pronounce good by its Creator. But human experience tells us that we are far from such a place now. In Genesis 3, we are given an explanation for the brokenness sorrow, and travail that are the common experience for all who have lived on God’s green earth. It is a story as familiar as temptation itself, but it is not a story devoid of hope.
Read 3:1-6
- The temptation of Eve teaches us a few things about the way we ourselves can be tempted by the enemy. What do you think the serpent was trying to achieve by asking “Did God actually say…” in 3:1
How should we respond to such a question? Look up the following verse to help
you with your answer:
Psalms 19:7-14
2. In Genesis 3:9 what three characteristics of the fruit attracted Eve to it?
3. What do you think Adam should have done when Eve offered him the fruit?
4. The serpent told Eve that eating the fruit would make her like God (3:5).
In what way was this true (3:22)? In what way was it a lie?
What Adam & Eve do as a response to their sin
Why they react this way
Genesis 2:25; 3:7
Genesis 3:8-10
Genesis 3:12-13
6. Now look at Genesis 3:14-19. Why do you think God assigns this particular
consequence for the woman? How is it a fitting one? Or is it? 3:16
7. What is Adam’s first recorded act after the consequences of sin have been laid out
(3:20)? How does this act signify hope?
8. What is God’s first recorded act after the consequences of sin have been lain out
(3:21)? How does this act signify hope?
9. Based on the story of Genesis 3, how has God’s relationship with humans been
altered as a result of sin?
What aspect of God’s character has this week’s lesson revealed to you?
How can you live in light of this fact?
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