LBS Genesis 1:2 - 2:3 Lesson 2

LBS Genesis 1:2 - 2:3
Lesson 2

This week the curtain goes up on the great story of Genesis. In its opening scene, we find God doing what He does best: bringing light after darkness, order after chaos, rest after toil, all through the power of His Word. 

Begin this week’s study by reading through Genesis 1:1-2:3 as though you are seeing it for the first time.

  1. Why do you think Moses chose to repeat these particular phrases? Hint: they didn’t have paper and pens or iPhones to record.  Circle the best definition below. 
Creation Phrase
Circle the word in bold it conveys
“God said, ‘Let (there be)…..’”
Is this a   question         or a          command
“And it was so……”
Is this a     report            or a           request
“And God saw that it was good.”
Is this a(an)     assessment   or a        question
“God called…..”
Is this a     statement         or a            question
“And there was evening and there was morning, the ____day.”
Is this a  command             or a       time marker

2.Look back through the text and circle the word God (or the personal pronoun He) each time it occurs. What part of the sentence does the word God occupy throughout this narrative? Circle your answer below. 

                      Subject                         Verb                    Object

3. Count how many times God (or personal pronoun He) occupies the subject of the sentence: 
    ________     Why do you think Moses sited the creation story in this way? What does he want 
    us to be very clear about? 

4. Apply: The cosmos obeys the commands of our God, yielding to His will without hesitation or resistance. What clear command of God causes you to hesitate or resist? How does the creation account instruct you to respond? 

5. In the creation story there is a lot of separating by God.   True    or    False  (circle one)

6. Moses wants us to understand in the earliest passages of Genesis that God is a God who separates. Read Leviticus 20:22-26. Remember that Moses wrote Leviticus so that the Israelites would carry God’s Law in written form into the promised land. Note specifically who or what is separated in this passage. 

7. Separation is not just in the O.T.  Read the following N.T. passages and note how the concept of separation applies to us today.  2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 4:31-32; Hebrews 4:12-13.

8. How does the language of the 7th day compare to that of the other 6 days? Does it follow the same pattern?

9. Rather than pronouncing that the 7th day was “good or “very good,” what does God pronounce on the 7th day. (2:3)

 “God __________ the seventh day and made it _________.”

10. We will fill these together when we meet. 



   Apply: What aspect of God’s character has this week’s passage of Genesis shown you more 

    What is one step you can take to live in light of this fact?


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