Lbs: Genesis 2:4-25 Lesson 3
LBS Genesis 2:4-25
Lesson 3
This week we will explore the significance of man and woman. How were they created? What were they created to do? How are they distinct from the rest of creation?
- How do humans uniquely reflect the image of their Creator in ways that the rest of the creation does not?
- Look back at Genesis 1:26-28. Mark each occurrence of the word them. Why do you think Moses use the pronoun instead of him? Circle the correct phrase in bold:
a. The man and the woman were created equal or were not created equal
b. They were not given equal status or were given equal status
c. They both had equal dignity or had different levels of dignity
d. They were both given a different cultural mandate or the same cultural mandate
e. And as we shall see, they are both going to be equal or unequal recipients of grace!
3. Apply: The title for God in Genesis 1 is Elohim (your text simply says God), a word referring to Him as God Almighty. In chapter 2, we see Elohim combined with Yahweh (your text says the Lord God). Yahwehm is the personal name for God. Is it easier for you to conceive of God as almighty or as personal? What past experiences or relationships in your life have influenced how you answer?
4. Read Genesis 2:10-14. Which of the landmarks that Moses gives for the garden’s location are you
familiar with?
5. In 2:15-17 we learn about humans’ roles and restrictions within the garden. What are they?
6. If the man has God and the animals for companionship, in what way(s) is he alone?
7. What do you think is meant by “helper” ? In what ways will woman be suitable to help man that the
rest of creation cannot?
8.In what ways do you think a husband and wife become “one flesh” ?
9.Think about the implications of being one flesh. Read Ephesians 5:28-31. How do you care for your
own flesh? What does this say about how we should treat a spouse?
10. Apply: Though Genesis is a historical narrative and not a fairy tale, Moses is definitely setting the scene for the drama that will play out in chapter 3. We might say this is his “once upon a time” section of the unfolding history. Based on what you know will happen in chapter 3, in three sentences summarize chapter 2 in your own words. Use the voice of a storyteller speaking to a child.
What aspect of God’s character has this weeks lesson revealed to you?
What is one thing you can do to live in light of who He is?
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