Lesson 5 Genesis 4:1-15
LBS Genesis 4:1-15
Lesson 5
In Genesis 3, we watched our parents live out the fundamental definition of sin: placing our wills above God’s will. This week we will look at the fallout of their defiant act. We’ll see how quickly sin took hold within only one generation. Clinging to the promise that God would crush the serpent through the seed of the woman, Adam and Eve become the first parents. But parenting outside the garden of God’s provision proves to be thorn-laden toil.
Read Genesis 4:1-15
- In Genesis 3, who is sinned against? Humankind against ___________________
In Genesis 4, who is sinned against? Humankind against ___________________
2. How does this portion of the narrative connect logically to what happened in the previous chapter?
3. Read 4:1-2. What does Eve say at the birth of Cain?
Why do you think she says this? Look back at 2:21-22 to help with your answer.
4. Look closely at 4:5. Is Cain’s offering the only thing that does not find favor with God?
5. What is Cain’s emotional response to being rejected? ___________________________
6. How is God’s handling of Cain’s sin similar to his handling of Adam and Eve’s sin? List all similarities you can think of.
7. Look up 1 John 3:11-15. What emotion does John associate with Cain’s murderous actions in verse 15? ____________
Below is the Great Command (Luke 10:27) with the word love removed from it. Substitute the word you wrote above into the blanks:
You shall ________ the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and you shall _______ your neighbor as yourself.
How is this reversal of the Great Command an accurate portrayal of Cain’s story?
8. What do you learn about God’s character from the way He deals with sin in the story of Cain and Able?
9. What does this tell you?
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